Restoring an old trailer back to its former glory can breathe new life into it, save you and your business money and give you a little DIY restoration project to do, because who doesn't love a bit of renovation.
When it comes to restoring a trailer, there are a few points to consider first. Whilst it is likely to save you money upfront, you need to properly assess the trailer and what is likely to need fixing first, figure out the details of the issues and items that need addressing, and work out the overall cost. It's likely you'll need a fresh coat of paint and spare parts to replace faulty or broken things.
First off, strip the trailer down to the chassis and check the metalwork. If there is rust or some damage to the steel, you'll need to remove the rust and strengthen any weakened areas. It's a good idea to completely sand down the metal and give the trailer a new coat of paint. It's also recommended to use a powder coating for extra durability.
Next, you'll need to check the running gear and the lights on the trailer. Particularly brakes and brake drums, brake cables, the coupling, electrical components, tyres and wheels as these things are integral parts on a trailer and need to be functioning correctly.
Useful articles
Below is a list of useful articles and blogs that may come in handy when restoring your trailer.
- Choosing the right brake cables
- Trailer brake cable replacement
- A guide to replacing a damper
- Buying replacement axles for towed equipment
- This article specifically refers to refurbishing old boat trailers.
- This article shows how one DIY enthusiast turned his old trailer into something brand new!
Servicing and maintenance
Trailers, whether it be a caravan or travel trailer, a plant trailer or a goods trailer, all require regular servicing and maintenance as part of the job. This is required in order to keep your trailer in tip-top condition and enable it to work correctly. There are a number of businesses that will service your trailers for you as well. If you are servicing your trailers yourself (or for a project), these checklists may come in handy. We have a visual one available
here, and a list version available
Published 28/04/2021